Reclaiming Your Power Mini-Workshop
Welcome to Reclaiming Your Power, a mini-workshop designed to help you take inventory in areas of your life where you may have inadvertently surrendered control or spread yourself too thin. Each of us has experienced moments of feeling powerless, overwhelmed by external expectations or internal insecurities. It is essential to notice where we may be giving away our power, whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or through self-doubt. This recognition is not just a moment of awareness; it is an opportunity for profound growth. Remember that the feeling of powerlessness is temporary, and the light of self-awareness and strength will return with persistence and intention. By exploring the aspects of ourselves that evoke shame or fear, we can begin to unravel the threads that connect these feelings to our behavior. Reflecting on the specific ways we give our power away allows us to confront these shadows with courage ultimately leading to a greater sense of wholeness.