
Taking Control of Our Day

Rehearse. Recalibrate. Review. was built out of my clients’ needs for accountability and consistency throughout the day. While self work can be very internal and reflective, at times we lack understanding on how to apply it into day to day situations. We receive the gift of a new day every single day, still very few of us break out of the monotony of our programming or understand how to create real change. RRR is a 3 part system to stay aligned, intentional, and connected to our personal growth daily. 

Rehearse, a morning routine focused on creating a framework for the day, helps us connect to our bodies and assess our individual needs for the day to come. Starting the morning with intention allows us to immediately wake up from a state of unconsciousness and into a state of presence and creation. 

Recalibrate is a mid-day check-in point. Stress, exhaustion, and cognitive overload tend to build up by this point in the late afternoon. Creating a space to release tension allows us to reconnect to our bodies and disrupt falling back into our automatic responses. A lack of presence or awareness during this part of the day directly affects the choices we make later in the evening, potentially triggering numbing or self soothing responses if not managed. 

Review is an evening reflection which allows us to emotionally reward ourselves for how we showed up throughout the day and to pinpoint any areas where we fell off course without judgement. It creates an opportunity to connect with our bodies to not only reinforce the choices we made, but to settle down our mind to prepare us for a restful nights sleep. 

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